PC Xbox 360 If the player puts away the cowboy repeater while it is being closed for reloading, in third person view the action will still be hanging open. reload, it may make it so that the player must reload an earlier save. The player will still be able to move but will not be able to take any actions which are unavailable while reloading. The attempt will have no result aside from unlocking the ability of the player to take actions. Sometimes all other actions will be locked out after reloading until the player attempts to fire the weapon. PC PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 This is one of the weapons affected by the round-by-round reloading bug. It is loosely based on the Winchester Model 1892. Adding modifications (with the exception of the long tube mod) will remove the peep sight from the Cowboy Repeater. The custom action mod also previously applied a 50% rate of fire bonus. Prior to patch, the cowboy repeater had a minimum spread of 0.04 degrees, required 20 AP to use in VATS, and fired 2.15 shots per second. Can be found on various non-player character's at various levels, including but not limited to Powder gangers, Legion soldiers, Fiends and NCR Rangers. Primm - two, in very poor condition, can be found in the sheriff's office one underneath the reloading bench and the other under the bed. Mojave Outpost - Ranger Ghost and Ranger Jackson both have one. REPCONN test site checkpoint - on the pedestrian bridge spanning the road between Novac and the REPCONN Test Site, it can be found leaning against the shelving near a dead ghoul. La Longue Carabine, a unique variant of the cowboy repeater, enhanced with a scope along with a faster rate of fire and increased magazine size. Cowboy repeater custom action, increases rate of fire by 20%. Cowboy repeater long tube, +4 ammunition capacity. Cowboy repeater maple stock, decreases weight by 1.5. 357 ammunition and ease of repair, makes it a good all-purpose weapon. At later levels the Cowboy perk makes a fully modified cowboy repeater a useful weapon, with the +25% damage bonus from the cowboy perk, combined with the common. Its low skill requirement of 25 makes it an effective choice of weapon for a player character with only a modest investment in the Guns skill.
The cowboy repeater also appears to be the "standard rifle" for Recruit legionaries. Because of this, it gives the gun the added advantage of being quickly available to fire again if only a single/few rounds are needed. Due to the gun having a tube magazine, it is reloaded by hand one bullet at a time, as such it can be interrupted midway through reloading and fired if needed. It has a peep sight similar to that of the brush gun and the Battle rifle (and its unique variant This Machine). The cowboy repeater is a lever-action rifle firing small-caliber.